Louvre: Highlights and hidden pearls in MINI groups/SKIP the line

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Louvre: Highlights and hidden pearls in MINI groups/SKIP the line

Van €65,00

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Tot 24 uur van te voren


This excursion was created by an architect and a cultural journalist. We made it possible to see the best of the Louvre and many hidden spaces in only two hours by creating a unique march-route. All our stories are verified and written by ourselves. You get true information, fun, thrilling background stories and the time will fly by. Ideal for adults, teenagers and children. You will discover not only the masterpieces of art in the Louvre, but also the Louvre as the castle where kings and emperors lived for centuries. and after our tour you can stay in the museum until the closing time, to see more or re-visit the things we have shown.